With a capacity of 14,080 TEUs and length of 368 meters and a width of 51 meters, the YM Witness Vessel is recorded as the largest container vessel to enter the Gulf of Gemlik region.
YM Witness Vessel is a part of MD3 – Asia – Mediterranean service, the ports of call are Pusan-Ningbo-Shanghai-Shekou-Singapore-Ashdod-İstanbul-İzmit-Aliağa-Mersin-Damietta-Singapore-Kaohsiung-Pusanym respectively.
YILPORT Türkiye Region General Manager Remzi Cem Göktaş made the following remarks: “We are happy to host YM Witness at our Gemlik terminal and proud to conduct operations with our state-of-the-art 6 of our 8 STS cranes at our 1,000 meters of the linear berth.”