After the completion of the painting phase, Vladimir Biryukov is going to the final sea tests, and then she will be handed over to her new owner.
The countdown has begun for the delivery of the Vladimir Biryukov, which was produced at Tersan Shipyard for the Russian company Okeanrybflot.
Designed by Marinteknik in November 2021, the ship features the latest solutions and technologies in terms of a propulsion system, energy production, fishing efficiency, crew safety, and comfort.
Vladimir Biryukov draws attention with these features: a hybrid ship with diesel mechanics, diesel electricity, and a pure electric propulsion system.
Designed to hunt Alaskan Haddock in the Sea of Okhotsk and Menhaden and mackerel in the Pacific Ocean, Vladimir Biryukov will be able to offer pelagic and semi-pelagic fishing with its 2 main cranes.
The ship is 108 meters long, 20 meters wide, and offers accommodation for a crew of 150 people, which can carry out uninterrupted fishing operations for long periods such as 11 months without returning to the port.