Türk Loydu will organize Cargo Safety, Safe Stacking, and Lashing Calculations Training in Land and Sea Transportation on 24-25 February 2022.
Those who want to participate in the online training must fill in the application form on the web page of Türk Loydu until 16 February 2022 at the latest.
Goal of Training
The training was organized by Türk Loydu, informing the technical staff of the enterprises operating on the subject about the loading and lashing conditions and implementation by the rules by the “Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea” and international regulations such as the CTU Code, CSC, and CSS Code, presenting the right practices with examples, cargo, It aims at minimizing the risks that may arise in terms of human health, environment and property safety by fulfilling the responsibilities regarding the stability of the load in acceleration and stress changes, preventing accidents caused by incorrect loading of especially dangerous loads, heavy and bulky loads, and project loads.
Who can attend the training
* Those who have duties and responsibilities in the transportation of dangerous goods in packages or bulk by land and sea
* Operations responsible for businesses whose field of activity is port and loading safety
* Engineers involved in transportation activities
* Dangerous Goods Safety Consultants
* Those who carry out surveillance activities during the transportation of Cargo
* Those who do load securing / lashing works can attend the training.
The certificate will be given
In terms of education, the participants must have at least high school level physics (force, movement) and mathematics (trigonometry) basic application knowledge.
Participants in the Cargo Safety, Safe Stacking, and Lashing Calculations Training in Land and Sea Transportation will receive a “certificate of success” for the who are successful (70/100) in the evaluation exam. Also will be given a “participant certificate” for the participants who are not successful.