As a global and international brand, Elkon evaluates all kinds of ideas and suggestions for development, improvement, learning and innovation. The Suggestion Evaluation Procedure was prepared to receive the opinions of the company employees, to encourage them to express their opinions, to benefit from their opinions and to encourage the employees in creativity.
While the prepared procedure was appreciated by the employees, it started to bear its first fruits. This practice of Elkon, which designs low voltage electrical equipment and automation systems for the maritime industry, has started to bear its first fruits.
One of the employees, Assembly Technician Mücahit Deneri, contributed to Elkon in terms of quality improvement and time reduction with his suggestion on the assembly improvement of the large-sized panel mounting plate.
While Elkon management and employees are extremely happy with the implementation, it rewards its employees, whose suggestions are accepted within the scope of the Suggestion Evaluation Procedure, both materially and morally.
Company executives are waiting for suggestions for quality improvement, time reduction and productivity increase from employees.