“Fire detection” software, newly developed by Irmarinetech Software, which produces software to enable ships to navigate safely at sea and to facilitate their tasks, is starting to be used in search and rescue ships belongs to the Coast Guard Command.
Koray Özgür, Founder of Irmarinetech Software Consulting, said, “We detect fires by measuring heat in critical areas with thermal cameras. This solution provides the possibility of pre-intervention with the possibility of detecting the fire before it starts.”
The software can also be used as a CCTV camera, Özgür said, “In case of fire, it also makes it easier to detect the situation inside while responding to the fire, with the possibility of seeing behind the smoke with a thermal camera. It also has the possibility of mobile use with its work on a tablet.”.
Irmarinetech had taken part in the software side of the system, which was carried out under the leadership of ITU Maritime Faculty and placed at the Black Sea entrance of the Bosphorus against pollution.