While it was in the inventory of the Naval Forces Command, the M/G Ç-128 Landing Ship, which was taken out of service on 27 June 2014 and taken to the MSB Istanbul Shipyard Command, was turned into a “Museum Ship” by the Naval Museum Command after it was repaired. The ship, which was towed by TCG IŞIN and delivered to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), started to be exhibited at Yavuz Landing Park in Girne.
Peace Operation is explained
Cyprus Peace Operation; It was carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) in order to save the Turkish Cypriots who were subjected to oppression, cruelty and massacres by the Greek Cypriots and to bring peace to the island. While hundreds of martyrs were lost in the peace operation, many names from Kütahya were among these heroic martyrs.
It attracts great attention
Citizens’ interest in the ship exhibited at Yavuz Landing Park is intense. While there are traces of the peace operation in every area from the entrance to the ship, the events of those days are shown moment by moment with a video show in the interior of the ship. The Museum Ship, which draws attention with the historical information it offers to visitors and its magnificent view, is met with great interest.
The ship awaits its visitors at the Yavuz Landing Park in Girne. Türkiye’s support for the Turkish Cypriots and the events that took place during the peace operation are explained in detail on the ship.